
Use of Chinese systems and atgm by Pak army

After the Indian army acquisition of the israeli spike 3rd gen fire and forget atgm Pakistani army rushed for buying a Chinese ATGM with a similar spec. The chinese side then broke news that it has sold its red arrow 3rd gen atgm to a foreign customer. Back then it was doubted that the buyer was Pakistan and they had done this to counter the Indian atgm.

In pictures are red arrow 12, red arrow missile and red arrow 10b. Red arrow is a family of chinese atgm with various atgm chinese offer

Red arrow 12 is the chinese 3rd gen javelin copy system

Red arrow 10 missile is a wire guided with a seeker configuration

Red arrow 9 is an older beam rider which means it attacks a target which is lit by a laser designator or a beam.

The reports suggest that pakistani side has tried using this against Indian posts but the results have been very poor, once the missile performance is not even near to claims and it has not engaged the Indian post.

Once it destroyed a target on the pakistani side and pak later used it as a attack from indian side which was later debunked by many as the missile remains were of system which was not used by the Indian side but was in inventory of pak army itself.

Seeing this the reports seem to be correct that pak side is acquiring more and more weapons from chinese like the truck mounted SPH, VT 4 tanks and now the chinese atgms.

The atgm and the Manpads which are produced by POF are also chinese licenced products which pak army has long been using but are said not to be as per their expectations.

The last pic shows what chinese say is a target penetration of red arrow 10 atgm, the chinese claim their atgm have a penetration of 1100+ mm of RHA.

Seeing the recent developments it is essential that we keep an eye on chinese weapon development as with the withdrawal of US support and aid chinese weapons will see more and more use in pak military, also knowing that pak is technically a bankrupt nation their options are limited as other countries will demand cold hard cash for systems which Pak simply lacks and hence their only chance is using cheaper chinese systems.

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