
Recent updates of LOC

Ok so with the recent activities their is high heat across LOC. Recently India has witnessed a series of terror attacks on forces. In one such attack after a period of nearly half decade a CO in Indian army paid highest price and attained martyrdom, this was followed by a series of terror attacks and grenade attacks on forces.

After this the pakistani side realised that a counter attack was happening, since last year the Indian artillery has actively dominated LOC & pak has lost countless soldiers and third party actors to Indian attacks, last month pak reported mix reports of DGISPR reporting only 1 to 2 military casualties and few civilian deaths but recent reports suggested over 36 deaths which basically shows a loophole in their story.

Pak expects a military attack like surgical strike or Balakot air strike & Indian side did movements which freaked them out. Pak is trying to stay safe and counter any possible strike so they have taken a series of measures some of which are.

1) Deployment of chinese supplied MR SAM (hq 16) near LOC, the pakistani side last year in fear deployed hq 16 and it was reported that it shot down one of their own jf 17 by accident under the belief that it was Indian jets flying over, the movement of hq16 shows the panic in pak forces. A series of other air defences are also noticed.

2) It is not new for Pak to use APM or anti personnel mines on LOC esp near their posts, this is done such that the front & sides of the post facing Indian side had mines laid all over to slow down or eliminate any Indian attack. Recently pak has been heavily setting up mines all across to prevent a repeat of surgical strikes,  pak is using its POF P4 & P7 alongside the stock of claymore mines to deter Indian attack.

Other than this heavy CAP ( combat air patrolling) is being done by PAF using its fleet heavily to avoid Indian aircrafts and their ELINT & AWACS platform are doing high rounds. Last year mig 21 popping from a blind spot ( geo masking) has also taught them so often multiple awacs fly together to cover more & more airspace accurately.

As to what we are doing, that is something I cant say 😉
