We in UTTARAKHAND have a rich history of army traditions.
Many UK villages are such that army is not a job, its a 2nd home to people. Every house has atleast 1 person in army be it as an officer or a soldier. There is an immense drive in youth to join army and serve motherland. Those people dont want to join for the money or as a job, its just the wish to hold the flag high, its for the pride and heritage.
We in UTTARAKHAND have seen military movements, we have seen army training in our forests, we have towns which are nothing but army cantonment and training centres, we have lived very close to army.
We have friends who are and had "FRIENDS WHO WERE IN ARMY". We have seen people go and come back from deployments, mostly in KMOU buses ( bus services which operate in hills) and at SOMETIMES in army trucks.
For our friends to our brothers have made us proud and paid the highest price for our freedom. Everytime we see one return back covered in tricolor, 15 others rush to join the forces, to rush the void left by our fallen brother, to hold the tricolor high, to take revenge for our fallen brother.
Funerals bring people not just from that village but all nearby villages from the area. Teary eyes but proud hearts.
For all who have lost friends and family will tell you, we are all proud of our brethren, we are proud to be Indians, we are proud of our 🇮🇳.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳
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