
Reality check for idealist like Tisca Chopra

Recently I came across a tweet from a lady I honestly never knew existed in bollywood, Tisca Chopra her tweet said "1 NUCLEAR MISSILE = 40000 VENTILATORS" and as a specie we need to completely "rethink our  use of resources"

I didn't pay heed until some made the living Messiah of the masses and started "Wars are waste, military complex gets rich, govt want wars and their Intellectual logic", with all due respect

"WE KNOW IDIOTS, JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU KNOW HOW WEAPONS ARE SOLD AND USED DOESNT MAKE YOU THE ALL-KNOWING, Its technically the same way apple sells you a iPhone and then makes a bigger version of same to sell to your friend"

There is a kink in people who live in their penthouses and homes safe living a luxurious life talking about how the GOVERNMENT IS SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY ON DEFENCE, some go so ahead they make the numbers unrealistic like half of gdp or 20% without an ounce of research.
To such ill informed people I would love to tell, we dont, instead we as a country spend too less on an essential thing like defence. Our defence spending is less than 2% but leaving these things aside I would discuss how your and formerly mine IDEALISTIC WORLD DOESN'T EXIST.

We as a specie are violent by nature just like any other specie where we are genetically designed to fight to survive, nomatter how many layers of clothes we put on, by nature we are animals trying to be on top.

The missile in pic 2 you see is one of the nuclear missile which could give us 40,000 ventilators, what else can we get if we dont have that missile? We can also get a war which will leave thousands dead and millions homeless, raped or murdered.
The idealist world we live in stands on the shoulders and sacrifice of the men who are willing to do the dirty work and make sacrifices. The grass is green for us because someone has spilled his red blood to make the grass lush green.  When asked why doesnt she sell her penthouse and see how many ventilators it could get us, she said her penthouse could not kill people, fair enough i say, but can it not be used by hundreds of the poor homeless people to live? 

Could the same penthouse money not have been used to raise an entire society for the poor and instead of one TISCA would the resources not have been utilised better by a 100 or more instead because she talks of better utilisation of resources. See i am not an idealist so I in no way am telling her to give out her money she earned to others for free, I am not a socialist or a communist who believes that in free economy there can be equality and all work equally hard, its a farce theory of equality and equal distribution.

Her own industry bollywood thrives on resources which could have been utilised for better things instead of drama because being honest rarely anything good or meaningful comes out of that black coal mine, mostly it just contributes in converting black money to White, could the same bollywood area not be used for better works? Now I know her come back would be, its entertainment and the industry feeds thousands and thousands and employs and pays tax, guess what so does the weapon complexes, PSU and industries like tata, mku, ADA Hal, GTRE OFB etc etc, on top of that they employ the creamy masses and experts and not actors and also generate a lot more revenue directly and indirectly for country.  

If I was her or any RICH EQUALIST moron I would be more than happy to know i can enjoy my parties and my success because there are people on the borders ready to defend my FREEDOM from any possible threat be it internal or external, I would be happy we have missiles striking fear in enemies heart and because of whichwe dont see daily wars and bombings because the enemy knows and understands our capabilities, the BIG BAD MISSILE HAS BOUGHT MORE PEACE TO THE WORLD than any preacher has.

The people in pictures 4,5,6 are the ones who have stood by the nation and protected us whenever things went bad, when we were attacked by enemies with missiles, aircrafts and rockets how many of these preachers went to border to protect lives? How many volunteered or even said they are ready to pick up a gun and to protect the country? Then often these preachers are seen with white pants turned yellow because their dream or mirage of idealist bomb was shattered by a SHELLSHOCK.
Coming back to the forces and missiles and money, did she complain about how forces which have inadequate funds are using their own money to set up facilities, Transport supplies and helping the country fight pandemic while she and majority of  her industry paid no heed to the masses who actually have made them rich, I know few in industry willingly or unwillingly have contributed but the industry in itself is silent. 

The EVIL CAPITALIST and the PATRIARCHAL TEMPLES too have been on forefront of the fight against virus but the rich in industry are busy preaching on twitter.

Now going forward to how has the military and military complex helped in any way to fight the pandemic

*DRDO AND PSU developing and producing PPE kits, chambers, testing solutions and masks, ventilators and all necessary items.
*Even ofb is making hand sanitisers and masks

*All these psu have given one day income in donation to help fight the pandemic

*Scientist researchers and all sharp minds are finding ways to detect and fight the virus

*Armed forces have been on forefront of forces from bringing citizens back to  setting up facilities, food supplies etc

*Airforce and navy have been miving large supplies and medical equipment not just within but outside country too. Airforce has moved more than 450 tonnes of medicines and supplies.

Now as her ventilators part was very critical to her, drdo developed ventilator have been at forefront of the battle and are being produced by many psu and privage industry, these were developed for the use in military but today are helping the entire nation, now drdo is working on a multipatient ventilator which is expected to be developed and produced in a few months. 

The last pic is of OBOGS or on board oxygen generation system, this kit is developed for utilisation on our jet aircraft, specific one for our own LCA Tejas. This helps in generation of oxygen and is one critical equipment in the fight.
Most of the amenties and technologies which are casually used today are developed or are at this stage because initially these MILITARY COMPLEXES spent money and did R&d for development of these, the so called evil complexes and waste money is one of the reason the human civilisation has in very few years developed so much.
I still dont expect the idealists riding unicorns in their lala world to understand things but this is my trial as a former idealist to help people see the other side of the coin.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

