

About the AH 64 E so called "EMERGENCY LANDING" which actually was  "PRECAUTIONARY LANDING"

Now media and some people have been hyping it up and blaming all possible things. Truth of the event is any machine is vulnerable to failure, be it a cycle or a jet. The more complex a machine is, the more vulnerable it is to faults.

The people termed it "failure of machine, how it was rendered useless and how the maintenance was improper" and some genius went to extent of terming "PILOT TRAINED NAHI THA".

This while the issue was not known and people had no idea of what had happened. These also have no idea of SOP or "standard of procedure" which has to be followed.

First the use of term "EMERGENCY LANDING" itself was incorrect, the landing was "PRECAUTIONARY LANDING".

The helicopter was not useless or unable to fly anymore, it reported or suffered a malfunction and was very well capable of flying. The PILOT BEING VERY WELL TRAINED took a call of not taking a risk and followed SOP which dictated doing a PRECAUTIONARY LANDING which to avoid any accident.

The pilots are allowed to do landing if possible instead of "Return to base". This way the risk of the problem getting bigger is mitigated. The support team is called which arrives and sees the fault and does a proper check.

Also showing the high level of skill and follow of procedure the crew followed proper procedure and started putting the covers and tabs over the sensors and intake bays. This is done to avoid any possible damage to the aircraft sensors & engines and this is evident from the pictures 2 and 3.

I really appreciate the enthusiasm people have for defence but I have been very observant that people have a very bad habit in pin pointing faults and calling aircrafts and system things without proper knowledge, eg like calling magnificient mig 21 a "flying coffin", calling tejas a "failure", calling An 32 "obsolete" etc, these are highly degrading in nature and should be avoided without understanding of event, such things should be avoided.

