Traditionally rifle design has stayed same for over a 100 years. Yes the guns have become lighter, have better ergonomics and higher quality manufacturing and some minor internal improvement but the bare bone structure or skeleton of the rifles have remained the same for a long time now.
Traditional rifle design although very effective still has its own downfalls. An ideal weapon is one which is reliable, has intuitive ergonomics, is accurate , controllable , light and should be effective at combat ranges.
For the accuracy of gun several factors play role including the length of the rifle barrel. Generally the longer the barrel the more power the round carries as the projectile is pushed by the hot gases for a higher duration and the longer barrel is generally more accurate, but with the notion of a longer barrel comes a payoff, a longer barrel means that the rifle is longer, difficult to handle & less maneuverable esp in close quarters & urban warfare. This is a traditional limitation of a conventional platform like ak or AR.

BULLPUP design is a design where the rifle is arranged such that despite using the same length of barrel the package remains compact, pic 2 shows how this is done. A bullpup unlike a traditional rifle has magazine behind the trigger & the working mechanism is normally in the butt of rifle. This rearrangement allows the package to be compact despite packing the same length of barrel.

The tavor bullpup (pic3) above has same barrel length that of the AR below but there is a marginal difference in size when kept side by side like in pic 4. This compact size allows bullpup rifles to be better for cqb & urban warfare without losing any ballistic efficiency.

Earlier bullpup were complex to work on but with advancement of technology the maintenance & field stripping a gun is just as easy as that of an AK or AR. Well built bullpup like tavor & aug have proven to be battle effective & highly reliable too,it is not a new concept & has been there for decades but in recent decades have used much more.
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