To all such fools who make this a MATTER OF FEMINISM AND EQUALTIY.
There are roles where men and women are very different and this is by natural design and not by misogyny. Women are much more smarter, clever than men and they have a better way of handling many situations while men are naturally stronger and more enduring physically.
To all saying WOMEN FOR COMBAT, i openly call you fools and you can take it as misogyny if you please because so called feminist and intellectuals have only these labels to attack people.
There are several reasons why women are not fit for combat roles and some of these factors are
1)Anatomy and biological nature
2)The natural mental setup
3) The enemy itself which is immoral and unethical and would not spare a female, just image if and when a woman combat troop is captured by enemy ( god save the people who will then be forced for a rescue op).
4) warfield and its endurance requirements with combat loads going as high as 30-50 kgs for normal soldiers and these dont care about your gender
5) the known fact that later there will be times when the frontline operating officer will abandon duties because of forced reasons like pregnancy etc while taking the salaries and amenties.
6)the special requirements for a female soldier over male counterpart which are natural.
These are just few reasons
I would love to see the reaction of the so called FEMINISTS AND BOLLYWOOD STARS if and when it compromises team security or a female officer ends up captured BAT or during a war. Then all the feminism will wash away, our enemy are not morally or ethically bound and army doesnt care for what you think or what you believe, it works on scientific nature of human body. Remember what happened to our POW and our men who were captured by pakistani during wars and kargil infiltration, imagine that and worse will be done to a female officer
Men and women are not same and have completely different set of things when it comes to roles which are defined not by men but by human anatomy.
Now coming to the so called equality aspect, these same people will be requesting lower standards and reservations while making claims of EQUALITY.
Also to those who will come up with reasons like modern society, empowerment and give eg of states in west, in europe and countries like Israel etc. Know that they dont do it because of equality or your so called modernisation, its their critical requirement because they simply lack the manpower to field only men, they have to make up for their lack of manpower by pushing everyone to field. Russians had to do it during ww2 when females were recruited because they simply lacked the required numbers.
Is my post in any way to offend women? NO. As most of you know i have always been a good person to all but i also keep a very respectful behavior towards the female audience etc. My post in no way is insulting or discriminatory but logic and fact based and this has long been a reason i have always opposed women roles in combat.
The nation is not ready for coffins with mothers/daughters inside. Armed forces are providing best possible ways to put more women in combat but these are just simply stupid things for so called activists and white knights to say.
Hitesh Adhikari
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