
Tackling epidemic/virus outbreak the communist way

To deal with the possible epidemic outbreak of corono virus in China, china is building a hospital which will be built or operationalised by 3rd feb.

This mean within next 8 days china will construct what they say is a fully functional hospital facility to deal with the outbreak , seeing the timeline it isnt expected to be a very detailed facility but more like a quarantine zone. This facility will most probably hold the people infected and treat/quarantine them from rest of the population.

Pic credit to respective owner

In no way is it a small feat even for China, despite bad weather conditions the work is being done 24x7 continuously and heavy resources are being utilized to keep this in check.

This is a prime eg of what can be done when we put aside all the barriers which normally a democracy puts in place ( in no way supporting communism but to be really honest a communist form of govt which has a goal and proper vision is a good govt). While democracies fight over petty issues and appeasement politics the chinese govt does whatever it pleases.

Most probably we will never hear from half of the patients and they will disappear, this can not be done in democracy.


